Browsing Music

to do:

  • Work on other pages
  • Font search
  • Practice Media Queries
  • General tidying up
  • Practice with different css display methods
  • work on a mobile version

whats crakin'

  • Relearn and review the code
  • Think about redesign
  • (move all style into css,
  • and more complex ideas
  • off the landing page)
  • J/S: as much as needed for the dump page ideas
  • CSS: Resposive / Media Queries
    for real this time
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September 2, 2024

The begining of a resource page is up! Also a test folder created to test the pages that im writing on notepad on neocites before I move them into production. My next mini project is to use a flex layout to develop a mobile friendly verion. The only question is how? Currntly I'm seeing two general directions; re-wite the HTML with flex in mind from the get go and learn child there a way to just double the HTML..make hidden divs that only show up and get displayed below a certain viewport width....

August 19, 2024

Another site reset. Barely having begun this hobby, I found myself distracted and away from it for the past 6 months. Upon my return, I found nearly all the image links had broken. The 'to good to be true' free hosting on a different service really was. I also did a quick reivew of everything I had learned before my hiatus, and saw that my HTML was terrible. Inline style elements, divs without a use, css that couldnt be bothered. A rework was in order, and this is the result. HTML that serves as nothing more than framework, and css that is nearly all inline or block display save for a tiny bit of flex to vertically and horizontally center the navigation bar. Clean html and css for a clean slate to start again.